P.P Bapu Doing the GAJAR - JAI JAGDAMB JAI DURGEY today at Shree HariGuruGram.
Here is a rough translation of Bapu's Marathi discourse.
Hari Om,
1) My child, I always love you
2) Ek Vishwas Asava Purta Karta Harta Guru Aisa.
3) I love you my Dad always and you are always present with your mother with me.
These are 3 important statements of our life.
In our life how many times have we solved problems, that must be very less. The sums we solved, did we do that in the proper way. If we make a mistake, we only solve a part. But in life there are some things that we cannot make parts out of. If when we are 50 years of age we go to a nursery, will we feel the same? If we do not feel hungry, then will we be able to eat like normally?
And if we are starving and feel very very hungry, and we are asked to sing at that moment, will we be able to sing? What does that mean ? That there is an appropriate time for everything. There is a reason for that.
If someone wants to get married and he has 4 options, then does that mean that you can use mathematics to choose the options? Will you give the girl marks and make your choice? Which calculation will work there?
Every question in this world has a mathematics.
In the above example, if we give the girl marks and choose her, then it will be a mistake. Here you will have to see that to live a happy and peaceful life with the girl, does the girl have the qualities that I like or need? It depends on that. There that is the correct and right way of solving the sum.
We should know the method to solve the sums, then only the maths is appropriate.
What does a man have to see in a pant and a shirt? Texture...and how will I look...When a woman looks at a sari, she sees the color, the border, the length and even how the fall or the '
padar' is. But in this there is a difference, this is what the female sees. (Question asked to male) . She sees how the sari will look on her and this thought is very important.
That means what does the maths depend on here? The sari I bought, how will it look on me? This is how she decides. Ladies fix their maths on this.
In my life I should show '
chokandal pana', which means, what is good, nice, bestest, and which is very important for me, do we show for this any
chokandal pana?
In our school, there used to be a chart for Samtol aahar. That means there is a difference between calculation and maths.
To solve the sums of our life, we need Maths.
When we calculate 1+1= 2. That is right. But in life 1+1 =1 can happen or 10 or even 11.
Similarly, 1 good student + 1 teacher = 2 good students and 2 good teachers.
Where will we look for this formula?
The right algorithms for this are only with Mother Chandika.
Parmatma and Chandika's messages are our own feelings.
Here there are 2 words that are important, Personality and Individuality.
A person means a human.
Individual means a separate human being.
It means that every human being is different, that's individuality.
A person's habits and behaviour is his personality.
Personality= habits + vyatimatva
Individuality= vyatitva means special identity.
Everyone's individuality is good because that has been personally made by Mata Chandika and her son. So it will be good.
The negative in us is fitted in our vyativa/ personality
e.g Adhyapipa and Shubhada Tai
Kaka's vyatimatva( personality)- rasik, sai bhakt
Individuality- he is extremely eknishta with God, with children, wife
Why? The individuality that God gave him, he used it.
Shubhada Tai - personality- Completely with her husband. Her centre is her husband and her 2 children (Suchit and Samir) , a loving wife.
Individuality- Absolute thampana- dhrudnishayata
She kept serving and doing everything for her children and her husband.
God has given everyone a quality, that is a God given good quality. If you use it, everything good happens automatically.
God has given us individuality that starts automatically. But we do not know what our individuality is. Then the connection between individuality and personality can only be joined by Parmatma and Chandika, not by us.
Then if our behaviour is very bad also, still God joins it. The algorithm for the correct path. Those are the 3 sentences. This should automatically become ingrained in our lives.
1) Majhya balka me tujhya var nirantar prem karit rahte.
2) Ek vishwas asava purta karta harta guru aisaa
3) He Maybaap Guru sarva kahi tumchyaa icche nusarhovo..(most imp sentence)
Here may= chandika and Baap= her son
Guru= her son or someone else
There the meaning of trisutri is different.
"Matrudevo bhava
Pitrudevo bhava
aacharyadevo bhava"
It's that algorithm.
May= the ultimate MOM
Baap= Dattatraya
Guru= Parmatma
And these 3 are together and simultaneously present in our life
Here if we believe in Chandika Maata and do not believe in the other 2, it will not work .
Their presence is together and they work together.
You should always be able to say these 3 sentences in your life.
It can be in any language but the emotion and feeling has to be there.
The 3rd sentence is for us to understand the algorithm.
But actually 3rd sentence is
1) I love you my Dad Always, and you are always present with your mother With Me in My Life. Don't ever forget With Me.
"And in my life you are not in the form of a locket but in the form of complete life itself. 108%.
And with that he says that he is always with us. Do Not worry. I am always with you if not as a feeling than definitely in a life form always with you.
And with that algorithm, the important qualities that God has given will automatically start working in your life.
For that what is important is Faith. Faith is important.
1st sentence- Aai says I will always love you, she does not put any condition before it.
2nd sentence- He will always remove us out of any difficulties and grave problems that come in our life. This faith and confidence should be there.
3rd sentence- I love you my Dad and you are always present with your Mother with me.
Don't ever forget these sentences. The God given important individuality shows the right path.
That means you should remember this important algorithm .
The three aspects of the Trivikram means these 3 sentences. The 3 worlds are our past, present and future.
We have to bring these 3 sentences into our lives. If you feel scared also say these 3 sentences. Nothing will happen to you. Because you are frightened does not mean you are a coward. It's never like that.
If you have faith in my 3 sentences, if you have faith on my Chandika, Guru and Hanuman, then He is there to build your 'setu'.
If you have faith that your sins were your mistakes, then he looks after you. Parmatma is always in your life so remove the feeling that he will say bad things to you, do not be afraid.
Today we have learnt a beautiful algorithm for life. Tie these 3 sentences tightly to your mind.
(Please excuse any mistakes while translating)Read the Pravachan on Manasamrthyadaata.com or on SamirDada's blog. Ambadnya!