Friday 17 January 2014

Aniruddha Bapu's Hindi Pravachan - Jan 16th 2014

Hari Om,

When you talk about giving love, that means you are talking about belonging. For this first you have to have belief. Before belief there is suspicion or doubt.
Doubt is necessary. If there is no doubt, man will become an animal. But there is a limit to doubt. If doubts are in a limit it is healthy.
If we are walking on a road and we do not know the soroundings and the destination, then we should have doubts, Am I going in the right direction?
There are many emotions and feelings that arise in our mind. These feelings and sensations come automatically, on their own. Amongst this, are some feelings that are with us are entire life. We think why do these feelings come to us. If we do not have these feelings, everything will be fine. We want to remove them. And what happens is that our mind gets focussed on this. And even though we want to, we cannot remove or stop these bad thoughts from our mind.
One thing, you should know, here, No Feelings are Wrong. Just know that feelings come and go.
If we want freedom from any feelings, we should just take a resolve and neglect it.
This, My God, Bhagwati Mother will free me from these feelings, have this faith.
Negative feelings come, this means there is a give and take of evil. Don't resist.
If we cannot fight against evil, then we have to take shelter, but does that mean we have to take shelter with the devil? No. This feeling that comes that you want shelter, you should give to God. We have to take shelter with God.
I will tell you a story- A mother brought her son to Bapu Doctor. Her son used to drink a lot of alcohol. Actually, the boy was very good, but he could not stop drinking. The boy used to try a lot but his mind was always focussed on alcohol. That is why he was unsuccessful. Bapu told him, that when you are drinking alcohol, do not drink it in one go. Enjoy every sip and after drinking one sip, add an ice cube to the glass. What happened with this? After a few days, when it used to be 10 pegs in a day, became 4 pegs. Then the boy understood that Yes, I can do this.
We should think positively. We do not get what we want, till then we do not have peace. If you cannot leave a bad habit, try and increase your good qualities.
Pascals Law- If we put pressure at one place, it gets distributed to entire surface. Our mind has the same characteristic.
That is why do not go around crying and begging. How to increase my children's strength is my job.
You do your work.
Let me do my work.
We become our own terminators. Why? Because we go on the wrong path. If I want to go towards heaven, then I start moving towards hell. And know this one thing, that in reality, there is no heaven and no hell. Where do we have to go after this earth...To Mother Chandika. to her home.
But lets assume, I want to go towards heaven, or if I am going towards hell, so first understand who has made this heaven or hell. God has only made it, right? Then he also knows how to make hell into heaven. So where should we feel like going in our mind? Towards Him..near Him. Because where he is , there will be no hell.
But if someone has decided that he wants to go on the path to hell, then God knows how to stop him.
So, what should we doubt or suspect? Why is Baba not getting angry with me? This doubt should come in our mind. We have to tell Baba to get angry with us. Because we want to improve. Then everything will open up in your life. There will be a miracle in our life. Not having a lot of things in our life is also a miracle. Have we ever thought of this?
We live in Mumbai, live in pollution, still we do not fall sick. That is why ask Baba why do you love me so much? Why do you not get angry with me?
My Sai is crazy about me. He can do anything for me, and he does.
He is a father who is besotted with me, his child. And to have a father like this, I am Amabadnya. I am Amabadnya. I am Ambadnya.
Next week, we will study the next line. - "Majhya samadhichi payri jo chadel, dhukh he harel sarv tchyache. "


Please excuse any errors in this rough translation from Hindi to English 

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