Thursday 6 March 2014

Hari Om

We all Shraddhavans must have observed that when we meet or when we call each other,we greet by saying "Hari Om". But, very few of us know the reason of greeting each other by saying "Hari Om". The brief description that P.P. Bapu has explained to us in one of his Pravachans is as follows:
It is a universally accepted truth that OMKAR has its own tremendous and spontaneous power in which our almighty God resides. Which means when this amazing source of power relates to our almighty God,it becomes the greatest source of positive holy energy. 'OMKAR' is one of the basic reason behind the formation of our nature and that is why we believe that the greatest creator of this entire universe resides in this OMKAR. The holy sound 'OMKAR' itself got created by the almighty Lord Parmatma and it is also known as Pranav Omkar. All the other sounds have been formed by this visible material world. No mantra will be fulfilled unless the 'OM' is prefixed to it. It is the mother source of all mantras existing in this world and it can also be pronounced in 29 thousand different ways.
'Omkar' is nothing but our almighty Parmatma Mahavishnu, Herambh, Shiva and this Parmatma is already released from all human obstacles 'Kaam', 'Krodh', 'Madh', 'Mohh' and Matsar'. Therefore,Omkar is nothing but Hari.
‘Om’ is the primordial cosmic vibration from which sprang the entire cosmos and all creation. "Hari Om" is universal mantra that removes suffering.When we chant "Hari Om" it circulates the Holy energy through our entire body which motivates us to perform more and more good deeds efficiently. When one remembers 'His' name and then repeats it, the Sins and Karmas are steadily erased.
When we say only "OM", due to lack of concentration that is because of unstable mind, our chanting becomes weak and therefore our inefficient spiritual level pulls us back in achieving the holy vibrations. We are incapable to gain these holy vibrations which are generated by chanting just "OM". Therefore,when we prefix 'Hari', the power of almighty 'Hari' is added which automatically enhances our intensity towards the mantra and it's ultimate undoubted benefit.
So when Shraddhavans greet each other by saying "Hari Om", we mean 'Let Lord Vishnu take care of you and protect you from all danger'. Thus by greeting each other, personally or on the phone or even while taking one’s leave, unconsciously we chant the name of the almighty God and therefore 'His' grace and blessings persistently remains with us.

Hari Om! Jai Jai Aniruddha Hari

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