Friday 2 August 2013

Bapu's Thursday Hindi Pravachan - July 18th 2013

Below is a synopsis of Bapu's Hindi Pravachan

Since the time of Ashadhi Ekadashi on this planet Earth (also known as Vasundhara), how ever many lives are here,  there are 33 million GODs in each of them, they will all stay in dormant state.(shayan avastha). This means all the 33 energy points living inside our body, they will stay in our mind- for next 4 months these energy points will do their work in passive form.
From Ashadi ekadashi to Kartik Ekadashi is Chaturmaas or 4 months. This is also called God's Akaran Karunya (Love without expectations or reasons). You can do any Vrat or good deeds in these 4 months. This is best time to start any exercise as well or even starting new studies because all energies in our minds freshen up during this period. in these 4 months if you concentrate on your good work, then even if you work for 100 gm this will give you result of 400 gms.  This is the best ekadashi in ekadashi of all months. If you wish to make good grown up adults  out of your own kids then this is best time to start. These 4 months increase our bhakti (devotion) for our future.
We have received all this from God ParshuRam. HE had asked a boon from HIS Mother Goddess Renuka Mata for all human beings on this Earth.  Renuka Mata gave this boon on Ashadhi Ekadshi day. From today onwards, all the 33 dieties (Energy points) will remain active within human's mind. So we must remember Lord ParshuRam as HE gave us this boon.
and this boon is given by Renuka Mata- whose words never goes waste.
Hari OM

(Ambadnya to Nianjansinh for translation)

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