Monday 9 December 2013

Bapu's Thursday Pravarchan - 05th December 2013

Hari Om !

We are saying Mahishasurmardinis jaap in Gurumantra and  learning algorithms and these algorithms are going to help us. Last time we have seen Upanishad and Vindanam grantha, from these 2 grantha 18 effective centres are handled. In that even if we are uttam, madhyam or vigat we still will get complete vigat. 

To watch Navratriutrav Trivikrum gives vardan to Vigat that all who will get punyaa from this, vigat will also get it. And even if he can’t see, still, his every step will be watched by his friend, Uttam. 
Madhyam vigat and durgati (those who don’t respect god) do not get any teachings from both these granthas.

Keep one thing in mind.. We are definitely not Durgati,. We say our power is falling short and so to provide the required, Trivikrum will be catching our hands and improves our life.
Mothi Aai’s dhal (chamar – protective shield) is such a weapon due to which niyti and Vritrasur will not be able to draw an unholy picture in our life and for that we need to have this Reshmi (silky) cloth. This Upanishad is very simple algorithm, In our life wherever our power is falling short in every path Upanishad is definitely present to show us the correct path. 
We see turtle in Guruk//shetram and in the well, why is there a  turtle in the Mandir? This Kurma is MahaVishnus second avatar.. what is this Kurma (turtle) or Matsya (fish)??  We can only see Kurma in Mandir and not Matsya, where can we see it? He is in the Mandir, in the well and also present in Gurukshetram. This Kurma is symbol of Upanishad and Matsya is symbol of Vindanam. In our life when we think that we are all alone and we are drowning in this Mahapur (flood) during that time only one hand comes for help which is of this Matsya. Problems arise and homes start falling sown, people don’t support each other and this situation arises many times and then the earth starts shaking,  during that time this Kurma has given the support. Vindaman is the algorithm which always gives our life, body and house support.
Those who have not yet done Saptamatruka poojan do it soon for sure. It has been a month since I told you about this poojan but very few have done it. It only takes 20 minutes to do this poojan so why can’t you do this? What is necessary for my children that I make sure it  happens from them anyhow, I am here to remove threat from all of you so ‘bindaas’ (freely) do the poojan.

This kurma gives support in our life. While going to the exam paper the udi which we put on our forehead is also a support..stick taken in hand is also a support, savings done in your homes is also a support and all this support is given by Kurma. And wherever there is darkness in our life, Matsya gives us support there. Can’t find correct paths in life, salary gets stolen while bringing it home etc during these times support/path can be found from Vindanam. Matsya means the one who breathes in water.The abhishek vessel above trivikrum on Shivlinga is matsya. We drink the abhishek water as tirtha, but why do we drink this tirtha?? Tirtha means the ras in our body (body fluid), dhatu (metal) ras is one of our body fuilds. The water which goes from abhishek vessel and fall on gods moorti and then taken by us is a Jivan ras (Life Fluid) and this provides energy to our dhatu ras in our body. Vindhaman keeps giving us Jivan ras, Chandika Kul is giving this ras, this should be our feelings (bhaav). When kurma senses danger, he takes his body within his shell. The weapon in upanishad is the Aadi matas shield which is made up from kurmas body shell. To make a beautiful picture in our life the reshmi cloth required is provided by kurma . Shree yantra which pooja we do it on Dhanalaxmi poojan day first appeared automatically on kurmas back. Shree yantra means aadimatas holy place.

Now what does Prasad means??

When we offer god the offering and the the answer given by god is called as Prasad. Tirtha and Prasad are algorithms of Aadimata and there symbols are kurma and matsya, so both these symbols are present in Mandir. Our god is bigger than any of our biggest problems and can swallow all the problems in this stomach for sure.

All the holy and pure powers in this world come under the department of this Aditi and vindya coming from Shree vidya is protected / handled by this aditi only.

Vindanam matruvatsalyavindanam and matareishwaya ved has these 2 names and upanishad has matruvatsalya upnishad and shree swastikshemvidya as its 2 names. It is necessary to have these 2 vidya in our life. Swastikshem vidya is vidya which improves the beautiful thing within us which is already in us and to remove what is wrong and incorrect from our mind.
While taking Prasad or tirtha keep it in mind that we are accepting kurma and same should be the feeling. Those who read this both grantha have a direct connection with Chandika kul. We surf on internet and can find whatever we are looking for similarly from both these granthas we get want we want. These 2 granthas means Aai’s leela and her Charita should be taken in our life. And mainly you need to remember her always..and if you forget the Trivikrum then…
Dhobi ka gadha.. na ghar ka na ghat ka.... ( saying which means you will end up in middle of no-where)
Keep one in thing mind, nursinh should come in our life and he should fearlessly reduce our disbelief in god, so he has to come. He won’t touch good things of ours but surely destroy the bad things from us.

Hari Om!

We are Ambadnya !!

Friday 6 December 2013

Saptamatruka Puja

Hari Om,

The following post has been completely taken from Pujya Samirdada's Blog and the link for it is

On Thursday, 24th October 2013, Param Poojya Bapu, in His discourse, spoke on a very important topic. It is the ardent wish of every parent that their child should lead a long and healthy life. Traditionally, Shashti Poojan has been performed for this very purpose. However, over a period of time, this poojan has gradually lost its importance and has been reduced to a mere ritual. Param Poojya Bapu through his discourse guided about the significance, importance and the formal procedure of performing this poojan.

Param Poojya Bapu said that the poojan was first performed by Rishi Agastya and his wife Lopamudra and by Rishi Vashishtha and his wife Arundhati,  together, after becoming mothers for the first time; both of them delivering at the same time. This poojan came to be known as ‘Saptashasthi Poojan’.

We have read in the Matruvatsalya Vindanam of how in the course of the war with  the demons Shumbha and Nishumbha, all the Gods had sent their respective ‘Shaktis’ (powers) to help Shree Mahasaraswati. These seven Shaktis are known as the ‘Saptamatruka’ of whom Goddess Kali is their chief commander (Senapati). The names of the seven Matrukas are as under;

1. Maaheshwari – The shakti of Shankar, she is five faced and rides on Vrishaba (bull). She has a Trishul (trident) in her hand.

2. Vaishnavi – The shakti of Vishnu, she rides on Garuda (Eagle) and has a Chakra (discus), Gada (mace) and Padma (lotus) in her hand.

3. Brahmaani - The shakti of Brahma, she is four faced and rides on a Hans (Swan). She holds a Kamandalu and an Akshamala (string of beads) in her hands.

4. Aindri – The shakti of Indra, she rides on an Elephant and is armed with Vajra.

5. Kaumari – she is the shakti of Kartikeya, is six faced and rides on a peacock.

6. Naarsimhi - One whose face is that of a lioness. She is armed with a Gada (Mace) and Khadga (Sword).

7. Varahi - One whose face is that of a boar, and rides on a white buffalo, she is armed with a Chakra, Khadga (Sword) and Dhaal (shield)

The Poojan of these Saptamatrukas is the ‘Saptashasthi’ Poojan itself. After Bapu’s own birth, this poojan was performed in his house. An image of the Saptamatrukas used during this poojan was shown by Bapu to all Shraddhavans during his discourse on 24th October 2013. While talking about the significance of this poojan, Bapu further stated that Shumbha and Nishumbha were killed by Mahishasuramardini in the form of Mahasaraswati, Shumbha’s son Durgam somehow managed to survive. He survived not because he had assumed the form of a crow, but because of the motherly love which arose in the hearts of these seven Matrukas, even though he was the enemy’s son. Mahasaraswati was pleased by this act of their’s and she blessed them saying, “the person who, after the birth of a child in his house performs poojan of matrukas, that child will be protected by you”. Hence, in every household it became a practice to perform poojan of these Saptamatrukas after the birth of a child.

Thereafter Bapu gave complete information about the manner in which the poojan is to be performed

Poojan Preparation:

1. Take one small Pooja table (Paat). Draw a ‘Swastik’ or ‘Shree’ using rangoli because these are auspicious symbols. The poojan decoration has to be done on the paat only and not on the table or Chaurang (stand) because we are all children in front of Mothi Aai. The first step of the child would be a small one measuring the height of a ‘paat’ and hence ‘paat’ be used in the poojan decoration.

2. Spread a shawl / sovala / bed-sheet / on the ‘Paat’. Rangoli may be drawn around the ‘Paat’.

3. On one poojan thali (tamhan) place wheat and level its surface.

4. Place one betel-nut (supari) at the centre and six others around it.

5. Place two coconuts on both sides of the poojan thali on the ‘Paat’; apply haldi (turmeric powder) and kum-kum on the coconuts.

6. On the inner side of both coconuts, in front of the poojan thali place a small pile (raashi) of red akshata (grains of rice mixed in kum-kum). These raashi represents the wives of the Ashwinikumars, the two doctors of the Gods. They are real twin sisters and their names are ‘Jara’ and ‘Jivantika’. These two never stay separated from each other, just as the Ashwinikumars do. They are the ones who play with the child when it is small. It is believed that they take care of the child and it is in response to them that the baby smiles till the time it turns 3 months old.
(a) Jara represents the giver of long life. “Let the child live till it becomes very old” is the blessing that it gives.
(b) Jivantika means the one who blesses the child by giving protection towards its health as long as the child lives.

7. Place four betel leaves on four sides of the ‘Paat’. Place a supari on each one of them. Placing of supari signifies invoking God. Invoking God by placing betel leaves and supari is akin to invoking without chanting any mantras, as stated by Katyayani, the form of Adimata incarnate. Placing of betel leaves signifies that the invitation has reached God as this is Katyayani’s resolve.

8. On the rear side of the pooja thali (plate), touching it, place the photograph of Saptamatruka.

Saptamatruka Poojan Preparation
Poojan Procedure:
1. This poojan is to be performed between sunrise and sunset only. It can be done on any day, even on the day of Amavasya.

2. The poojan is to be performed only after the birth of the child and that too by the father of the child. While doing the poojan, the father should place the child on his lap atleast for some time. This poojan can be done anytime, 3 days after the child is born.

3. The poojan is to be started by chanting of “Vakratunda Mahaakaaya…”

4. This is followed by chanting of Gurukshetram mantra. After this, it is mandatory to take the Sadguru’s name.

5. Offer haldi and kum kum on the supari kept on the betel leaf. If possible, apply wet kum kum. After that offer haldi, kum kum, askshata and gandha (sandalwood paste) on the supari kept in the poojan thali.

6. Further, the poojan is to be performed chanting ‘Navmantramala Stotram’ given in the Matruvatsalyavindanam. This stotra has to be chanted atleast once; those who are desirous of chanting more than once may do so

7. While chanting the stotra, offer fragrant flowers dipped in gandha and akshata. If fragrant flowers are not available, then ordinary flowers will suffice. Offer flowers on the suparis, the photo of Saptamatrukas, and also on the pile (raashi) of Akshata representing Jara and Jivantika. Offer flowers only when the Navamantramala Stotram is chanted for the first time.

8. Light the lamp and dhoop.

9. Prepare seven plates for naivedya and offer Puran (a sweet made of gram and jaggery) and Varan (lentil soup). Alongwith this, also offer dry coconut with jaggery as naivedya. If it is not possible to offer seven plates for Naivedya for any reason whatsoever, then only jaggery and a half of dry coconut may be offered.

10. Lastly, after offering Naivedya, offer the lotus flower, as it is the favoured flower of this God.

Bapu further stated that the poojan is to be done only after the birth of the child and the first poojan is to be done by the father of the child. While the poojan is being performed, the child’s mother should sit for the poojan atleast for some time.  If, for some reason, the child’s father is not present during the poojan, then the grandfather (father’s father OR mother’s father) of the child can perform the poojan. If even they are not present then any one of the child’s close male relatives may perform the poojan. Once the child grows up, then the mother of the child can do the poojan anytime for the child without any age-bar. One can perform the poojan of the child any number of times; on the child’s birthday or after the child recovers from illness or any other day or occasion. During this time, the poojan can be performed by the parents together or individually. Likewise, once the poojan is performed, there is no compulsion to repeat the poojan. If there are more children in the house, then it is always preferable to do the poojan separately for each child. However, if due to some unavoidable circumstances the time is not available, then the poojan may be performed for all the children together.

Saptamatruka Poojan
Once the poojan is over, the poojan decoration should be kept as it is for atleast 3 hours, after which it can be removed any time. The flowers and suparis may be sent for visarjan (immersion). Wheat may be used as Prasad in the household cooking. Alternately the same wheat can also be offered to a cow as this is always considered pious. Naivedya may, as usual, be partaken by the members of the household. The photograph of Saptamatruka is not to be sent for immersion. Rather it should be kept in the house in a secure place. The photograph can be photoframed and kept at the place of worship (Pooja room). In future, if a new child is born in the house, then the poojan is to be done preferably by getting a new photograph.

The photographs of Saptamatruka are available at Shree Gurukshetram and Shree Harigurugram.

A copy of the ‘Navmantramala Stotram’ required for the Saptamatruka poojan is appended in Sanskrit, Marathi and Hindi language alongwith this post. As stated by Param Poojya Bapu, during the poojan this stotra is to be chanted in any one of the three languages viz., Sanskrit, Marathi or Hindi.

I am confident that every Shraddhavan will surely do this poojan individually at his house.

Hari Om